Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ok! Book Club?

I really do not want to dignify Vd's post of Harry Potter vs Twilight. As always Vd has interesting.... how should I say...ideas? I would like to welcome all members to the book club. Spread the word and let our book club flourish. I want to welcome all books from fun to thought provoking. I hope that everyone will suggest books and try to blog as much as possible. I have never been in a book club before and welcome any ideas for the future of the club.

The brainchild of this book club started when I met Diem through Thoa Lien (dating my brother Joe). I really can't remember how we met but I believe it was over a glass of wine that we shared our enthusiam for books and politics. I guess thats when the lightbulb flashed and the bookclub came to existance. I think blogging will be the best way for the bookclub to survive because our lives are hectic and its hard to meet up when everyone lives in different states.

Thank VD for setting up the blog because I am a severe Tech-tard and could not have done this without you. For any IT improvements on this page feel free to modify our look!


TWILIGHT - The Confession of many Obssessions

Move over Harry Potter, your 15 minutes of fame are up.  The pre-teen readers are catching on. The wizard worlds doesn't believe in the old, in-out in-out, at least not on record.  Fighting the same dark lord over and over again (seven times!), it can get redundant, like Friday the 13th series redundant.  
Thanks to the serendipity author, Stephenie Meyer, we now have Twilight Series.  Teenagers around the world can now be proud of giving heads to bad boys.  
I honestly haven't read the book but I wouldn't be surprise after Twilight Series concluded, with their books and Hollywood flicks, the sadistic fans will finally get what the want.  In theater near you - Summer 2015,  Edward Cullen vs. Harry Potter - The Duel Begins.  We love Hollywood,  but Hollywood love our money a lot more.  
Please leave your comments about Twilight or in regard this posting. 

Peace - VD